Mayfly usually lives only for a day after hatching. Some of us humans, on the other hand, think they are immortal, or at least their fame will be. They try and force their way to celebrity by all means necessary. Celebrity is for them the end in itself; it’s not something that comes as a byproduct of achieving something real. Nowadays, in a time of ‘reality TV’ and social media, it’s quite easy to become celebrity. Your reputation might be questionable but for some people it’s “all publicity is good publicity”. So, as long as you remain topical, it doesn’t matter if you embarrass yourself on TV, post dirt on the social media, or waffle futilities on YouTube (though on YouTube there are many very professional content creators).

Reality TV, in my opinion, is the praise of stupidity. It’s everything but real. It’s scripted junk, the purpose of which I don’t understand. Of course there are some exceptions in this genre, too, but mainly it just shows people who want to become famous without offering anything in return – unless you take into account embarrassing yourself or bullying others. Reality TV makes entertainment out of malice. Social media mainly lives out of malice. It’s quite easy to spread malice and hatred on YouTube, too. Why do we want to be mean to each other and even brag publicly about it?

Mayflies’ differs quite a lot from other songs I’ve written. It’s the first I’ve purposely written for someone else to sing. For the first time I tried to step in someone else’s shoes as a singer and a human being. For this reason I was very unsure of myself during the writing process of ‘Mayflies’. Is it good enough, Is the pitch correct, Is the theme of the song appropriate, etc. When I played the demo first time to Soila, her reaction confused me. I wasn’t sure whether she liked it or loathed it. Fortunately for me, she liked it. Her rendition of it is incredibly fantastic so I guess I managed to capture in the song something that resonates with her personality.

Hewey – Fragile Dream
